Rural Resilience
Programs, Services, Offerings, and Collaborations
"My frustrations were high, and my emotions were tattered to say the least! One day, I received a phone call wanting to visit about my child. As it turned out, that was the best phone call I probably had ever received! From the first initial visit up to every day currently, Bridget Kelly has been a constant support system for my children. This program has been so beneficial for my children, other families, and as a whole, has benefited and will continue to benefit our community. There is not a day that goes by that I am so ever appreciative and thankful for Bridget and this program! It truly is all amazing! (Rural Resilience Parent, 2023)"
Arthur M. Blank Foundation
Montana Healthcare Foundation
Montana State University Rural Pathways/Workforce Development
Park County Communities that Care
Community Health Partners
Catalyst for Change
Big Brothers Big Sisters
LiveWell 49
School Programs ​​
Full time behavior analyst serving 50 - 60 students across Park County throughout the school year.
Part Time LCPC for students/families.
Character Strong Whole Child Curriculum
Montana State University Partner Rural School Counselor and Licensed Therapist Internships
Community Therapists into school settings.
Yoga in Schools
Collaborative efforts with local organizations for additional arts/music/movement programs
MTSS Leadership Team Collaborations
Additional Programming & Supports
Educator Self Care
Educator Professional Development
Adult Awareness Programming
Family referrals to local therapists